
Coolors - website and app great for creating and browsing color palettes. You can pick the number of colors you want, then use their generator to rotate through colors.

Design Seeds - website that has a lot of beautiful color palettes. You can browse by theme or color.

Canva - pick a color on this website and this tool will display complimentary, monochromatic, analogous, triadic, and tetradic combinations. Once you’ve chosen your combination, you can export your palette to a PDF that gives you the hex, RGB, and CYMK values of the colors.

Play Crafts Tools - this website has several different tools:

  • Palette builder - upload a photo and this tool will create a color palette from it. Once you've uploaded the photo and your palette has been created, you can adjust individual colors, increase or decrease the number of colors in your palette, and reset your palette if you want to undo all the changes you've made. Then, using the colors you’ve chosen, Palette Builder can match those colors to the closest Moda Bella or Kona Cotton solid fabric, Aurifil thread, or hex code.

  • Color Play - This tool generates a random palette using standard color schemes. If you want to look through a bunch of different palettes to get your inspiration sparked this is an ok way to do it. If you want anything more than random colors though, use Coolors (linked above).

  • Equal generates equilateral triangle quilt designs, using palettes it pulls from Color Play.

Illustrator Swatches (scroll to the bottom of the Play Crafts Tools page) - here you can download color palette swatches for Adobe Illustrator (.ase files). Color palettes available include American Made Solids, Art Gallery Pure Elements, Free Spirit Solids, Michael Miller Cotton Coutures, Moda Bella Solids, RJR Cotton Supreme Solids, and Robert Kaufman Kona 365.

MQG Color Resources (you'll have to log in to the MQG site to view these):

Color Theory/Palettes